Upcoming events

    • 04/01/2025
    • 04/06/2025
    • Lakeland, FL

    It's Spring Break for Pilots!

    and it's been going on for more than 50 years!

    Join us in sunny south Florida for the 51st annual Sun n Fun Fly-In and Expo. Your Foundation will be there in the Type Tent Tuesday thru Friday, and our raffle airplane will be on display. Stop by and say hi.  

    • 07/21/2025
    • 07/27/2025
    • Oshkosh, WI

    We call it "That Other Little Fly-In," but to everyone else it's "The World's Greatest Aviation Celebration."

    Since Oshkosh happens the week after the Cessna 150-152 Fly-In, come on out and spend a couple of days with us at the Confab in the Corn, then on Saturday morning join the caravan and head on up to OSH.

    Your Foundation will have a table in the Type Club Hangar in the Vintage area. We'll be there Monday thru Friday. Drop in and say hi.

Past events

07/22/2024 2024 AirVenture
07/16/2024 24th Annual Cessna 150-152 Fly-In
04/09/2024 2024 Sun n Fun
07/24/2023 2023 AirVenture
07/18/2023 23rd Cessna 150-152 Fly-In
03/28/2023 2023 Sun n Fun
10/13/2022 Beech Party
09/19/2022 2022 Triple Tree Fly-In
07/25/2022 2022 AirVenture
07/20/2022 2022 Cessna 150-152 Fly-In
04/08/2022 Kanarkoma Fly-In
04/05/2022 2022 Sun n Fun
04/01/2022 Uncle John's Fly-In
07/21/2021 2021 Cessna 150-152 Fly-In
04/13/2021 2021 Sun n Fun
07/31/2020 Gastons
09/26/2019 Gary's Alvord Touch & Go
09/02/2019 Triple Tree
07/24/2019 Cessna 150-152 Fly-In
07/22/2019 AirVenture
05/10/2019 AOPA Fly-In, Frederick
05/03/2019 Alan's South Carolina Fly-In
04/02/2019 Sun-n-Fun
03/23/2019 EAA Pancake Breakfast
02/08/2019 2019 Copperstate Fly-In